Aug 28, 2024
Motorola MVME6100 Single Board Computer
The MVME6100 series provides more than just faster VMEbus transfer rates; it provides balanced performance from the processor, memory subsystem, local buses and I/O subsystems. The processor, running at speeds of 1.267GHz, is ideal for data-intensive applications. The state-of-the-art host bridge, with support for a 133MHz host bus and a 133MHz DDR memory bus, is well matched to the processor. To ensure that the MVME6100 series can handle the 320MB/s data rates of 2eSST, the Tsi148 VMEbus interface chip is connected to one of the 133MHz PCI-X buses on the host bridge. The second PCI-X bus has dual PMC-X sites — each site supports PMC or PMC-X cards supporting PCI bus speeds from 33 to 100MHz. The MVME6100 also offers dual Gigabit Ethernet interfaces. All of this adds up to a set of well-balanced, high-performance subsystems for unparalleled performance.