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AI enables industrial manufacturing H3C iConnecting Industrial Internet technology strategy upgrade

Date: Jul 04, 2024Views:

On June 28, the 2024 World Mobile Communication Conference Shanghai Station (MWC Shanghai) held a summit themed "Unleashing the potential of industrial artificial intelligence in digital intelligence manufacturing". Liu Zan, vice president of Xinhua Group III and president of Industrial Internet Research Institute under Unisplendor, was invited to attend the summit. With the theme of "AI empowering industrial manufacturing, accelerating the formation of new quality productivity", he deeply analyzed the changes and opportunities facing the manufacturing industry in the era of AIGC, and released an upgraded version of H3C iConnecting industrial Internet technology strategy.

  AIGC triggers manufacturing innovation

  Intelligent factories have become the forefront battlefield

  Intelligent factories, as the forefront of modern industrial development, are the core base for cultivating new quality productivity. Liu Zan believes that intelligent factories can provide a verifiable platform for the practical application of new production tools, new workers, new production relations, and emerging industries; At the same time, in order to improve production efficiency and quality, factories also need to continuously adopt new production tools, introduce new workers, and develop new production relationships. In this context, the deep integration of AIGC technology and intelligent factories will lead the manufacturing industry into a more intelligent and efficient stage.

  However, the practical application of large model technology in the manufacturing industry still faces many challenges, such as industry adaptability, technological iteration speed, governance ability, economic feasibility, and lack of professional talents. Liu Zan emphasized in his speech that to solve these problems, it is necessary for industries, technology providers, policy makers, and educational institutions to work together to break through the situation through measures such as setting standards, providing training, and encouraging innovation. Together, we can promote the implementation of large models in the industrial field, truly improve the production efficiency of intelligent factories, and help China's manufacturing industry move towards a new stage of high-quality development.

  H3C iConnecting Technology Strategy Upgrade

  Accelerate the formation of new quality productivity

  In 2022, based on years of technology exploration and application practice in all walks of life, Xinhuasan Group officially released the H3C iConnecting industrial Internet technology strategy. This year, in order to further promote the deep integration of AIGC and industrial Internet technology, Xinhuasan put forward the innovative concept of "connection driven, digital intelligence enabled, and value reshaped" to upgrade the iConnecting industrial Internet technology strategy again.

  The upgraded technology strategy fully integrates AI into industrial Internet related products and solutions to achieve full AI coverage. For example, in the field of network security, Xinhua Group III will be able to achieve security analysis, detection and strategy formulation by preset AI models; At the same time, machine learning is used to quickly identify unknown network attack patterns, establish accurate detection models, and based on context correlation analysis, make more effective network security decisions, risk assessments, and resource allocation, and develop better security strategies. More importantly, Xinhuasan will enable industrial application with iConnecting industrial Internet technology strategy, let AI technology serve multiple links such as supply, research and development, procurement, manufacturing, etc., enable each connection with AI, and let intelligence flow comprehensively.

  At present, under the guidance of the iConnecting industrial Internet technology strategy, Xinhua Group III has realized the coordinated development of human intelligence through the deep integration of the big model platform and digital brain, and can provide a comprehensive AI solution for a number of manufacturing specific scenarios such as safety production, logistics transportation, etc., such as helping the non-ferrous metallurgy industry to improve flotation efficiency, optimizing the AGV operation line of intelligent factories, improving logistics efficiency and accuracy, and helping mines achieve full coverage of safety supervision.

  The iterative upgrading of industrial Internet technology will promote the rapid development of the manufacturing industry. Facing the future, Xinhua Group III will adhere to the concept of "hard work and pragmatism, endow the era with wisdom", continue to participate in the new era of intelligence, adhere to the strategy of "AI in All" and "AI for All", help manufacturing enterprises cope with the new challenges of the intelligent era, constantly release new growth momentum, and inject surging power into new quality productivity.

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